Year of the Rat - January Part 2

Part One can be found here

It was a Friday night after a hellish week of work that I found myself sharing the flat with my girlfriend and 3 of her friends. Not wanting to intrude (and to get some space) I took over the study area and decided to make up for all the hobby I had missed over the week.

I think the doubling up on cats help define them, as individually the cats are smaller than the rats which didn't look right to me. Gluing them to their bases was the only option I was comfortable with, as I couldn't find a suitable point to put drill a hole to pin the model.

All the models here are pinned to their base, with the exception of the 3 Stolen who had teeny tiny legs and I didn't trust myself to not drill through a leg or ankle!

I'm particularly pleased with how my vision for Catelin Abernathy came through! The head was a pretty good fit for the gap in the Rat King's cowl so all that was required was some filijng round the top of the head to better fit the shape of the cowl as well as flattening out the back of the head. The rats inside the cowl were willing to be filed away to nothingness. Then I took a roll of greenstuff and draped it round the existing lip of the cowl, smoothing the join and ensuring the lip was wide enough to create some natural shadow. I think it gives this Rat Queen a more sinister appearance and will make it easier to differentiate her from the other rat king (and Princess, once she arrives!)

The current crew as I have it:

See you in part 3 where I finish the basing and get some paint on these!


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