Welcome to the Wandering River

This blog is intended for me to document my thoughts on various aspects of my life and hobby, in a bid to try and add some structure to my days and the time spent on things that are important to me. The reason for the blog's title is two-fold:

  1. Its the name of an upgrade in the game Malifaux, the game I spend the most (too much?) time on
  2. It represents the lack of focus the Blog will have (as you read further you'll hopefully appreciate that!)

What am I doing currently?

  • Playing a lot of Malifaux 
    • 60 games to date this year with a 60% win rate (36 wins, 3 Draws, 21 Losses)
    • Currently ranked 57th in UK Malifaux Rankings: Adam's Rank
    • Winning a 24 man tournament is a real highlight!
One of the problems I'm experiencing is that perhaps I'm playing too much Malifaux, and the character of the game is getting lost on me as I come to see it more as a game and less of an experience to be had with a fellow player. More and more I look back to my days of playing with the Ressurectionist's and think "Wouldn't it be nice to play the Mad Man with the 10" Hand Cannon?" (I'll be writing another blog about my Journey through Malifaux - I'll link it to this one in due course)

  • Playing Kingdom Death: Monster 
    • We just wiped our third Settlement - Destiny Bound! after getting mauled in the Hunt Phase, searching for a Level 2 White Lion. Our strongest character got trapped inside a statue, while our ranged expert was swallowed by the ground (10% death chance with no ability to avoid it sucks big time) 
  • Playing more Videogames
    • Currently running round blowing up bases and ignoring the story of Just Cause 3. It's a little dull, repetitive but it does fill the time. 

What am I not doing currently?

I'm ignoring quite a lot of other ideas and areas of the wargaming hobby, and the purpose of this blog is to explore, structure and may be.... just may be, record progress of them! So here are the ideas I want to explore:

  • Building a themed Hamelin crew based on Nightmare Hamelin sold during Gencon
  • Completing my Roman Arena Rex crew - The Ludo Magnus 
  • Writing Micro-stories set in various game universes (and also make up my own)
  • Painting Oathsworn miniatures I picked up from their latest KS here
  • Building and painting the Darklands models (both the Norse and the Khthones) that I have lying around. I'm convinced I'll never get a game in but I'd like to use the book my girlfriend bought me: Serpentine for inspiration to paint the Khthones snake-men
  • Paint and play my Guildball team - the Engineers
  • Paint and play my Nurgle Warband based on the Graphic Novel Madder Red

What Else?

This isn't just a wargaming hobby blog, I also want to explore and enjoy other aspects of life.

  • I'm going to start Fencing with a good friend
  • I want to be able to touch my toes despite my back injury which has seemed to limit my mobility in my legs. It seems like a reasonable goal  
  • I should slim down, I'm uncomfortable with the sedentary lifestyle I've adopted since a knee injury I picked up in Christmas 2016
Ok that seems a lot! Hopefully I'll keep this thing updated, using this page as a landing page and link to the various topics I've talked about here.


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