Year of the Rat - January Part 3
Part Two can be found here One of my goals with this project was to improve my basing technique and the time I spent on bases in general. Before now, the time spent would be as little as possible, and the bases to be as generic as possible which was no bad thing in Malifaux as you play the faction in the game, so bases matching meant you had a less odd looking force when you deployed your crew of Showgirls, Ice Golem's, and a mechanical spider building mastermind (who am I kidding; no one ever deployed an Ice Golem!) I wanted to complete the basing before moving onto painting.. I felt that a flat surface (on which people would be walking along the sewer tunnels) should not be devoid of features. So out came some sand to create the following effect: The weird empty looking base belongs to Nix, or Schrodinger's Cat who will have a cool looking cardboard box to go with an otherwise featureless base. This doesn't look like much, but let me tell you - putting sand on ...