2018 and the Year of the hobby!

So after a brief exchange on Whatsapp with my friend, I realised that despite firmly believing in never setting resolutions I do have a list of Hobby Goals that I'd like to hit this year.

  1. Work on the themed Hamelin crew with a view to finish by Dec'18
  2. Paint all the Wave 5 TT models as they become available
I think that will be the extent of my Malifaux painting this year, as you can gather from the Introduction post (here) I have a lot of projects on the go (most are at the not starting phase!) and I want to give them a go this year. These include:
  1. Paint my Burrows and Badgers crew ready for the Tournament in June
  2. Complete my Kingdom Death Monster starter set
  3. Build, and paint my Kingdom Death expansion sets 
  4. Build and paint the Shadespire crews
  5. Build terrain!
  6. Paint my remaining Guildball models for Farmers and Engineers
  7. Paint the Darklands stuff that I have squirreled away
I have tried to list these in order of priority but it will no doubt change as new shinies get released! I'll try and keep a broad spread of posts going each month to report on progress.


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